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Oct 7, 2024: Sermon on the Mount: fractal structure and meaning The Sermon on the Mount is often considered the core of Jesus’s teachings. But if you just read the sermon beginning to end, it comes across …

Oct 5, 2024: Virtue ethics Let’s talk about ethics. I’m not any sort of expert, but the great Dr. Anagonye once explained that there are three kinds of ethical …

Oct 4, 2024: Where did all these demons come from? Another question about demons interests me that I’ve never seen addressed: where did they come from, anyhow? Read through the whole Old …

Oct 1, 2024: Spirit of Python I’m a fan of the late Dr. Michael Heiser. If you want to spend four hours listening to an exquisite exposition comparing the early and late …

Oct 1, 2024: Romans 13 and the presumed justice of civil authority How Christians should interact with civil government is a deep topic, which I don’t plan to comprehensively address here. But I do want to talk …

Oct 1, 2024: Salt as fertilizer Jesus tells his audience for the Sermon on the Mount that they are the “salt of the earth.” What, exactly, does that mean? I thought I …

Sep 30, 2024: The Antitheses In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives the six antitheses. “You have heard it said X, but I say to you Y.” I suggest that these six are …

Sep 30, 2024: Inheriting the Kingdom of God I like thinking about how Jesus would have been understood by his Jewish audience. For today’s example, let’s look at two parables: the …